Digital Games - Popular Book Company (Canada) Ltd.

Digital Games


To our digital game offerings!
Here at popular book company, we aim to ensure learning and spark curiosity in the minds of children. This is why we’ve partnered with digital apps and innovative companies to introduce the most engaging content and forms of educating your little ones. As parent’s let’s make sure it’s always a learning experience,
but never a dull one!

Smart Tales is a cutting-edge educational app that provides interactive and engaging stories for children. The app is designed to help children develop important life skills and knowledge through the power of story telling.

By partnering with Smart Tales, we are happy to provide you with a valuable and educational resources that will benefit children in a meaningful way. The app offers a wide range of stories that cover a variety of subjects, including science, mathematics, language , arts and more. With its fun and interactive design, children will be even more motivated to learn and explore the world around them! Learn more and download today!

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Topics Covered

Math & Logic

Reading & Writing

Science & Coding

Arts & Creativity